I was attending a session in the hotshop recently which reminded me of a graphic idea I've had in my head for some time. One of the tools often used in the hotshop are a pair of scissors called diamond shears - which is a name just asking to be punned!
While I searched for pop culture references with diamonds💎 in them I settled on 'Flawless' (a song by Beyoncé) as the title requires a little connection to get the reference.
The hardest part to get right was the text. I practised over and over to get the flowing simple lines.
For all your glass-blower friends! The above design is available on Redbubble (print on demand shop). I get a little commission on items ordered.
Do you have any other 'Diamond' references? I'd love to know.
💎 Flawless - Song by Beyoncé
💎 Diamonds are a girl's Best Friend sung by Marilyn Monroe in the film Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
💎 Diamonds are Forever. James Bond movie and title song sung by Shirley Bassey.
💎 Diamonds - Song by Rihanna
💎 Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds - Song by The Beatles
