As with any exhibition programmed for 2020... nothing has gone quite to plan, but
Tony Albert's Duty of Care is now on display at the Canberra Glassworks (with social distancing precautions - hence no event thus far).
Tony's residence at the Canberra Glassworks was late last year and making the most of it he set in motion projects that utilised almost all of the equipment and skill that is the glassworks.

"Tony Albert’s latest exhibition Duty of Care features all new works conceived and produced at Canberra Glassworks. Featuring stained glass windows and re-cast items of Aboriginalia, Albert reminds us that duty of care is a social contract, an obligation we all share to ensure the safety of others. In the 250th year since Captain James Cook changed the history of this continent forever, Albert urges his audiences to recognise the invisible forces that bind us and participate in urgent and necessary conversations that reckon with the past and path a way into our future together."
Brother (The invisible prodigal son) II
Tony worked with Ruth Oliphant to create some impressive stained glass, with one-piece part of the 22nd Sydney Biennale.
2 of the projects were in cast glass. Luna Ryan and I worked on the cast glass parts, making rubber moulds and lost wax casts. It has been a few months since I saw the cast elements and it is really cool to see them all assembled. Yabu and Nguma are reinterpreted 'Aboriginalia' lamps with cast and blown glass.
The pieces I worked on are cast in clear crystal and very hard to photograph!
The exhibition is open until 27 September 2020.
See more of Tony Albert's work here (Sullivan & Strumpf) and here (Art Gallery of NSW)


