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Kirstie Rea - Present Company

This afternoon I went to Kirstie Rea's exhibition opening at Suki and Hugh, Bungendore. I particularly like the imagery in this piece (below), it feels very fairy tale like with the trees crowding in. What is not immediately apparent is that Kirstie's images are composed in one shot by capturing reflections and view from a sheet of glass. You can lose yourself in the layers of trees revealed by the curling page of glass. Beautiful work Kirstie!

From the catalogue:

Change. Exploring has been brought closer to home, the focus now local as is my company.

Restriction. With boundaries drawn in tighter, the areas I wander have been reduced, concentrated. I return and re-walk, I look again, look closer and still love what I see amongst the plastic and numerous tracks of boots and bikes and sometimes the track of a four-legged furry being.

Being there. I record being there with camera, a sheet of glass, and my body.

The surface of the glass offering a reflection of what is behind me, where I have been, laid over the way forward, seen through the glass, the two views stitched together.

Reveal. Each moment of pause reveals new details and a wonder of place, moment, light, and presence.

Exploring alone in places beyond the suburban, place soaks deep under my skin and wraps around me. Back home memory and being there cling to me.

Kirstie Rea, 2020

Photographs from Suki& Hugh (above). Snaps by Spike (below)

Kirstie is also the designer of 'Fields of Poppies' a commemorative series for Remembrance Day 2020.

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